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Durga Puja Bhog

  • Durga Puja Bhog

Durga Puja Bhog is the auspicious part of the Durga Puja festival.

  • Bhog refer to traditional Bengali food delicacy which is offering to the Goddess. These blessed food (bhog) served free to all as a complete meal during Durga Puja.  Basically the Bhog is vegetarian; onion and garlic are not used in the making of the food.
  • The bhog consist mainly delightful Khichuri with Labra & bhaja. Along with Luchi & sweetened Payesh .
  • Four days of Durga puja devotees delicates bhog to Goddess & distribute to all as a Prasad.

Durga Puja Bhog Khichuri

Durga Puja Bhog khichuri is essentially a fragrant potpourri of rice, lentils and spices, Within West Bengal, the  Kolkata is the most famous for the Bengali Durga Puja Khichuri Prasad. According to myth after  first tasting  the Durga Puja’s  khichdi bhog at  the Shobha Bazar Rajbari, Robert Clive   said to Warren Hastings that each spoon possess delicious taste.

Here we share how to make special  Durga Puja Bhog Khichuri recipe.

Khichuri recipe


  • Gobindo bhog rice (a famous aromatic rice available in Bengal)- 1 cup
  • Sona Mug dal (pulse) -1 cup
  • Potato (Medium size) -3 pcs
  • Cauliflower (small) -1 pc
  • Tomato chopped – 1 pc
  • Green Peas – 1 cup
  • Green Chilli- 4 pcs
  • Ginger paste – 1 tblsp
  • Red dry Chilly- 2 pcs
  • Bay leaf- 2 pcs
  • Clove – 4 pcs
  • Cinnamon stick (small 2 pcs)
  • Cardamon- 4/5 pcs
  • Salt – as per taste
  • Sugar – as per Taste
  • Cumin (whole)- 1 tsp
  • Tumeric powdwr- 1 tblsp
  • Cumin Powder – 1 tblsp
  • Red chilli powder – 1 tblsp
  • Garam masala powder- 1 tblsp
  • Ghee- 50 gm
  • Oil – 100 gm


  • At fist boil the water & add washed rice in a deep pan.
  • Add potato & cauli flower cut into pieces
  • In a Kadai add the Sona Moong dal in hot oil & fry. Poured it in to pan.
  • In Kadai add cumin seed, Red dry Chilly, bay leaf, Cinnamon stick, Cardamon & Clove in hot oil.
  • Add chopped Tomato, Green Peas, Ginger paste, Green Chilli, Tumeric powder, Red chilli powder, salt & sugar.
  • Stir it until the oil come out from the spices
  • Add it in the pan & stir it continuously in medium flame.
  • After that when the rice boiled & each & every things mixed properly then your Kichuri is ready.
  • Mix Garam masala powder & ghee before off the flame.
  • Now your Khichuri bhog is ready.

Durga Puja Bhog Labra

A typical Bengali Durga Puja bhog  is insufficient without Labra. Always Labra is ideally present with Khichuri. It is a pure vegetarian preparation from Bengali cuisine. The specialty of labra is that used vegetables are identifying each separately within this mix vegetable curry after its complete preparation. This is a special type of Bengali mix veg preparation , which is serve only as a puja bhog.

According to ‘Chaitanya Charitamrita’ by Krishna Das Kabiraj, Mahaprabho  Lord Chaitanya Dev also fascinated for Labra bhog. Here Prabhu asking to serve  himself labra & said to distribute all sweets & other dishes to the devotees.

" প্রভু  কহে মোরে দেহ লাফরা ব্যঞ্জনে। পিঠা, পানা, অমৃতগুটিকা দেহ ভক্তগনে।"

Here we share how to make special  Durga Puja Bhog Labra recipe.

Labra Recipe


  • Potato – 2 pcs (cut into pices)
  • Pumkin –Cut into same size & quantity as potato
  • Bringal -1 pc ( medium)
  • Radish -1 pc
  • Sweet Potato- 1 pc
  • Panch Phoron-1 tsp
  • Mustard oil-1 cup
  • Bay leaf- 2 pcs
  • Green Chilly -4 pcs
  • Red dry chilly -2 pcs
  • Turmeric  powder – 1 tsp
  • Salt as per taste
  • Sugar – as per taste
  • Ginger paste – 2 tbsp
  • Ghee- 2 tbsp
  • Garam Masala powder- 1 tbsp


  • Heat mustard oil to a deep pan or kadai.
  • Add bay leaves, panch phoron & red dry chilli
  • Add all vegetables (cut into pieces)
  • Add turmeric powder, ginger paste, salt & green chilli. Mix well.
  • Cover the kadai with lid & cook it with low flame for 10 mints.
  • Add sugar as per taste & mix well.
  • No need to add water. Confirm that vegetables are well cooked.
  • Add ghee & garam masala powder
  • Turn off the flame & serve hot with Khichuri .

Durga Puja Bhog Bhaja

Bhaja is a specific item for Durga Puja bhog. The word bhaja means fried. Five types of bhaja or fried items served as a bhog with Khichuri or Luchi. An authentic Bengali platter served to goddess with every meal.

  • Aloo Bhaja  (fried Potato)
  • Begun Bhaja  ( fried Brinjal)
  • Kumro Bhaja  (fried Pumkin)
  • Potol  Bhaja  (fried Parwal)
  • Fulcopi Bhaja (cauliflower)

Here we share how to make special  Durga Puja Bhog bhaja recipe.

Aloo Bhaja  (fried Potato)

·         Thin round shape potato slice
·         Turmeric powder
·         Salt
·         Oil



Cut potato into round shape

Add a pinch of turmeric powder & salt

Take sufficient oil into a pan

Fry both side.

Begun bhaja




Turmeric powder



Cut brinjal into round shape

Add a pinch of  turmeric powder & salt

Take sufficient oil into a pan

Fry both side.

Potol bhaja


Potol or Parwal


Turmeric powder



Cut vertically from the middle of potol

Add a pinch of  turmeric powder & salt

Take sufficient oil into a pan

Fry both side.

Phulcopy bhaja




Turmeric powder



Cut cauli flower into small pieces

Add a pinch of turmeric powder & salt

Take sufficient oil into a pan

Fry both side.

Kumro bhaja




Turmeric powder



Cut pumkin into square shape

Add a pinch of  turmeric powder & salt

Take sufficient oil into a pan

Fry both side.

Durga Puja Bhog Luchi

Luchi is a most favorite Bengali cuisine, which is essential part of the Durga Puja bhog.  Luchi is made of plain flour or maida and looks completely white in colour. It is very soft & delicious compare to any bread item. Luchi with sweetend Payesh is a perfect combination of Durga POuja bhog.

Here we share how to make special  Durga Puja Bhog Luchi recipe.

Luchi Recipe



·         Flour -2 cup
·         Salt – ¼ tsp
·         Sugar – ¼ tsp
·         Ghee
·         Water





Ø Take a bowl and mix flour, salt & sugar.
Ø After that add 1 tsp ghee and mix well.
Ø Add mild hot water to make the dough.
Ø Cover the dough with a clean wet cloth for 15 minutes.
Ø Knead the dough until it is very smooth.
Ø Divide the dough into small ball.
Ø Add adequate ghee for fry in a Karai.
Ø Roll the dough evenly a make a circle.
Ø  Place it into the hot ghee & gently press.
Ø The luchi will begin to puff up.
Ø Flip and fry on the opposite side also.
Ø Remove the complete Luchi over a tissue paper on a plate.
Ø Now your Luchi is ready to serve.




Durga Puja Bhog Payes

Payes is also called as Poromanno in Bengali, as it's accepted that Payesh is holi item to be offered to the God. The word Poromonno means ‘porom onno’ in Bengali.  Porom means holi & onno means rice. Durga Puja Bhog is incomplete without this sweetened Payes.

Here we share how to make special  Durga Puja Bhog Payes recipe.


  • Gobindo bhog rice (a famous aromatic rice available in Bengal)- 1/4 cup
  • Full cream Milk  - 2 ltr
  • Sugar – 150 gm


ü Take a deep pan & poured the milk
ü Boil it for 15 minutes
ü Add washed rice in the pan
ü Still it boiled in low flame until the milk become almost half in quantity
ü Add sugar & continuously stir it continuously.
ü Now it looks thick & creamy
ü Then turn off the gas oven.
Now our Payesh is ready

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